Lead Between the Lines
At this moment I am very busy writing my book for the struggling leaders all over the world.
This book will be for team leaders, supervisors, foremen, department heads, managers and all others leading other people. No matter what your title says, your daily task is to lead others.
You feel as if you’re squeezed between many forces, your team, your customer(s), your guests, your patients, your spouse, your manager and on and on. It’s true, the way you lead influences many and therefor it’s important that you learn how to lead.
Unfortunately, when your doing well in the job you have had your education for, many bosses think you will also do well as a leader. That is a dangerous assumption, because then the organisation will not invest in your education and you have to figure it out all by yourself.
With so many people influenced by your leadership, this can be pretty disastrous. For you, the company and all the stakeholders.
With Lead Between the Lines I will help you finding your way to results. I expect to have it ready for sale in September 2014. If you want to be informed when the book is published, please fill in the form at the right side of this page. I will send you an e-mail as soon as Lead Between the Lines hits the market.
In the meantime, hold on, help is on its way …
By the way, the book cover has been designed by Gaia Nuissl, creative owner of Gaialab at www.gaialab.nl
She used a beautiful picture designed by freshidea, who has a large selection on Fotolia.
Finally…. all excuses used Why Not, reading your free gift. The left side of the brain told me so many reason why not. Eg I don’t like reading, can’t concentrate, doesn’t work in my job, my teams can’t deal with this, how will I look if I start chancing behavior, my Manager don’t give me the space etc or am I buzzing already too long…
So today, at my happy place in Spain, start reading. At first still my left brain asking me, how many more pages, yess I know…., slowly and gradually to, how can I implement, act, change, lead, learn, listen, communicate, plan, influence, build trust, but give trust and what more.
So many things reading in this books looks so familiar on those 30+ years in business. Those things/situations you aware off or ignore. The energy draining and the energy supply project/situation.. Close to burn out or being over the top.
So happy read your book and definitely will start involving my team more and more in building my plans, by picturing my plans as kristal clear as possible. But also those 4 Q’s. Get rid of that Q4!!!
How am i being seen and how do i want them to see me. All interesting to read and stand still at.
We have new CEO, and have a meeting 1-2-1 in 2 weeks and going to present my plan, to avoid to be part of his plan. In the end i believe a combination off this would be work best. Also will work in internal selling the need of a coach for me in this stage of my career and would like to recommend you.
Again many thanks for you present, which will be used by me the coming months to build the house of leadership.
Thank you so much for your comment. I’m very glad that you’ve put aside your excuses and found value in my book. Indeed many things in the book must look familiar after 30+ years in business, and yet often we forget to implement what we know. I’m very glad that at your happy place in Spain and found time to reflect. If there’s anything I can help you with, please let me know.
Enjoy Spain and stay safe!